Meet Melissa

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lets model our behavior

This past week we discussed in detail the direct instruction lesson plan and behavioral model it is all aimed for achieving what's that word again.... oh yeah AUTOMATICITY!!! we all took an aspect of the lesson and presented for ten minutes my aspect that i did with lauren was on  drill and practice you know those mad minutes that you did in math class they actually had a purpose! who knew! What i found was interesting was how fast paced that aspect of the lesson is. It felt like playing a game of hot potato. The teacher was shooting questions out rapid fire and the students were answering them it was a way for the teacher to check understanding quickly about what the students were doing and if they were ready to move on to the next step. It was really informative and i liked this type of lesson a lot. I think that it will be one of the most important things i learned this semester.