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Monday, September 27, 2010

Lets get Direct, about instruction!

 Hi Blog babies!
This week and last week we worked with Direct Instruction everyone has at one point or another in there life experienced direct instruction. Whether you loved it or hated it you still remember what you learned like how to spell friend, or breakfast or any of those words that you struggled with. What your multiplication times tables are (9x9=81) and that the declaration of independence was signed in 1776, but we did not actually gain independence until 1781 with Cornwallis's surrender in Charleston South Carolina. Couldn't help myself that's the history major in me.
The point of  Direct instruction is simple, in your objectives you use words like define, label, group. It builds up the facts that you as a learner need to know sop that when you move on to analyzing, and information processing your not talking about 9x9=72, or that  friend is spelled freind, and the declaration of independence was signed in 1781 and we gained independence in 1792.
Direct instruction builds up the foundation of knowledge necessary for you as a learned to move on and be able to think critically and defend a point against someone else. It also is a very teacher focused method, lots of lecturing and modeling and demonstrating everything. Looking back at my school career i remember my fifth grade teacher Mr. Salvestrini i remember his ugly idol collection, and moo cow. Looking back i remember how he would use his body to create letters when someone in class would appear stuck and could not think of the word, how he modeled how he wanted us to do things like our DOL and our papers. I remember Mrs. Flynn in third grade and how we used to play around the world with our multiplication facts. how much i dreaded it yet how i know almost all of them to this day thanks to that. I remember Mrs. Sweely in second grade and doing mad minutes in math. How i despised them, the system then was you did one mad minute until you got 90 percent correct. After that you would move to a different sheet. I was the slowest to move from sheet to sheet. There was no instruction or anything just the same sheet with the same problems over and over agian. i copied other peoples, dreaded them did everything in my power to move but i never did. She was reinforcing the bad patterns and i never experienced success. That is Direct instruction gone bad and i swear i will never teach like that

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