Meet Melissa

Monday, September 6, 2010

T-Shirt Activity

Welcome to my blog! Over the semester hoefully you guys reading this will learn about me as i learn how to teach. The first week of class was scary to say the least, this is the frist time that i have had Dr. Smirnova although i have heard about her! (nothing bad, just that you were a tough grader :) ) It's a small college what can i say? So i was prepared to get swamped with work the first day when that didn't happen it made me even more nervous.  The fewer grades that you have the less chances to improve if you go fatally wrong on a test or project. The first assignment that we had was our t-shirt project, we were presenting them on that first friday in class, we worked on them during class on Wensday in the curriculum library. The assignment was easier than i had thought it would be originally a few clicks from my facebook page insert some pictures and then wa la i had completed my t-shirt.

In Class on Friday wepresented our t-shirts to the class.  It was more fun than i had originally thought it was going to be. Our class is small which makes it easier to present in front off, and lets face it if you know me you know that i am no shrinking violet! So for me to talk  about myself was a cake-walk! It's the perfect topic to not only break the ice but one in which each student is the expert. No one knows who  we are better than we do. I enjoyed the lesson it was simple, and it can be converted from technology to paper easily enough. I also thought it was a great way to teach a micro lesson and get us accustomed to speaking in front of the rest of the class. I liked knowing that i am not the only one who fears teaching math, or wants to teach outside of New York State. I enjoyed everyones presentation and enjoyed guessing what each picture meant. I like to talk, just a warning for the rest of the semester :) so for me this was a great activity to introduce me to the class. I also enjoyed the game we played as well, i liked all the questions and kind of wanted to answer them but it was fun and definitely something that i am going to remember  when i am teaching my own classroom.
The purpose of ice-breakers in a classroom is one that i won't overlook again. I will definitly take these ice-breakers into my classroom for use during the first few days of the year.

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