Meet Melissa

Saturday, September 18, 2010

M to the E to the T to the H to the D to the S = STRATAGIES!!!!!

HI! welcome to week two, this week in class we focused our attention to review. Lots of review of bloom, and objectives and goals and types of instruction. I must admit that my head was spinning. I felt that Dr. Smirnova was telling me to do things the exact opposite way that Dr. Lewis had last year, I can be a really stubborn person so changing how i thought about writing my objectives was a little bit challenging however once i got out of my own head a little bit i understood how Dr. Smirnova wanted us to do them and i did it that way i also found this meathod easier, it was the CBC model, conditions, behavior and criteria. We also worked on recognizing how blooms taxology fits into direct and indirect instruction and the instructional models, of behavioral, information-processing, social-interactive and personal.  Though there was a lot of review this week the activites and readings were interesting and full of important information.
All of this information is vital for any classroom teacher we have to know why we are teaching students what we are teaching, if we don't than that dreaded question teachers get asked all the time will really throw us for a loop, in case you never asked this (like i did) the question is drum roll please... "when are we going to actually use this?" the answer is up to us. Knowing how students will use the information that we provide on every level lets us know "yes you are NOT wasting your time"... as much as your students would like you to believe that you are.
In conclusion getting a review in bloom and all the methods of teaching was a relief because in all honesty i forgot almost everything i learned in basics last year. Oh summer how you mess us all up.
Check in next week!
love mel

1 comment:

  1. It's true! Kids ask all the time why they have to learn something. I feel like we should always have an answer for them because why else would we spend so much time teaching them it. We just talked about this in class and its a great to add into your anticipatory set to explain how they will use the lesson for themselves.
